Các quy luật vận hành của giá

 Sau 2 năm mình đi đào tạo theo chương trình CMT của hiệp hội phân tích kỹ thuật Hoa Kỳ thì giác ngộ ra một chuyện. Mình viết bài này không phải để nói phân tích cơ bản không có ý nghĩa gì hoặc sai mà muốn giúp mọi người hiểu đúng bản chất của vấn đề mà thôi.

Bạn có nghĩ mọi thứ trong cuộc sống, trong cái vũ trụ này, và cả kinh tế hay thị trường đều có những quy luật không hề đơn giản đan xen lẫn nhau tạo ra không ?

Chứng khoán, ngoại hối, hàng hoá, trái phiếu hay thi trường giao dịch tiền tệ, tiền điện tử v.v... nó chỉ là phân khúc thi trường để đầu tư, kiểu giống như hôm nay đi siêu thị mai đi trung tâm thương mại, và mọi thứ đều phát triển và suy thoái theo quy luật của nó.


Tại 2008 - 2009 lại chấn động suy thoái kinh tế bởi BĐS. Trước đó 10 - 11 năm thì gọi là KHỦNG HOẢNG TIỀN TỆ CHÂU Á bắt đầu vào 07/1997 từ thái lan. Còn bây giờ tại sao lại là 2019 KHỦNG HOẢNG KINH TẾ do Covid-19 lại đến mà không sớm hay muộn hơn vài năm.

Vậy có phải là không phải thông tin kinh tế, chính trị, chính sách là không có ý nghĩa. Nó có ý nghĩa và sự hiệu quả của nó ở mặt khác chỉ là chúng ta hiểu và dùng sai ý nghĩa, chính xác là PTCB là phân tích diển và họ đi giải thích cái nguyên nhân xảy ra nó như thế nào khi mọi thứ ĐÃ xảy ra sao cho logic với các yếu tố kinh tế xã hôi của con người. Còn quy luật là quy luật của tự nhiên, nó không quan tâm điều gì xảy ra lúc đó mà đến đúng thời điểm thì kinh tế suy thoái thì sẽ suy thoái dù không là covid-19 thì cũng có cái lý do khác. Câu hỏi đặt ra là Quy luật có trước hay PTCB có trước, Quy luật hay PTCB làm thay đổi cục diện tổng quan và làm ảnh hưởng thi trường tăng giảm ?

Vậy để mình xin bật mí cho các bạn biết ( các bạn có thể suy nghĩ tìm hiểu lại ) thị trường vận hành có quy luật của nó nhưng vì nó không đơn giản để dễ dàng hiểu được.

Chứng khoán hay tiền tệ v.v... đều tăng hoặc giảm theo xu hướng cho đến khi xu hướng đó điều chỉnh hoặc kết thúc. Trong đó nó bao gồm nhưng quy luật của sóng dễ - sóng khó, quy luật của thời gian, quy luật của biên đô,quy luật của các dãy số fibnacci, quy luật của tỉ lệ vàng v..v... phối hợp hài hoà với nhau tạo ra những hành vi của con người. Tâp hợp nhiều người lại nên thị trường ra đời. Chưa bàn đến cách dùng nhé =))) đây chính là những điều mà không có sách báo hay web nào nói với bạn, nó thuộc về những điều không được nói ra nhiều trong các quỹ đầu tư lớn của hoa kỳ. Nhưng có điều thú vị là nguồn gốc những quy luật này lại xuất phát từ á đông hihi. Nên á đông và châu á chúng ta rất huyền bí. cũng như bộ nến nhật thử hỏi bao nhiêu bạn hiểu ý nghĩa thật sự của nó ?

VD : bộ nến đảo chiều khi các bạn dùng thấy đâu phải lúc nào cũng đúng, xuất hiện nến đảo chiều nhưng không đảo thì sao ? vậy khi nào đúng khi nào sai ?

VD : các năm xảy ra khủng hoảng các bạn thấy nó chỉ loanh quanh con số 13 năm không ( dĩ nhiên ko tuyệt đối mà chỉ tồn tại quqy luật tương đối ). số 13 là con số fibo, phương tây có ngày đen tối thứ 6 ngày 13. Trước số 13 có 8 và 5, đối với á đông thì 8 là phát còn 5 là trường cửu, những con số này đều là số fibo tồn tại trong quy luật. thử hỏi sao không là số khác mà họ lại chọn những con số này măc dù cách nửa vòng trái đất

Nhưng có thể biết được những điều này nếu bạn đủ duyên gặp được ai đó. Mình cũng không dám nói quạch toẹt ra trên này vì một số lý do và ràng buộc khi được dạy chỉ có thể giúp các bạn đừng hiểu sai !

TÓM LẠI thi trường mà mọi người đang giao dịch là vận hành và tăng giảm đều có quy luật phức tạp của nó nhưng nó cũng có cách để hiểu. Khi bạn nắm được những quy luật vận hành này thì bạn sẽ biết khi nào tăng, khi nào giảm. mà tăng thì tăng đến mức giá nào, còn giảm thì giảm đến mức giá nào.

Saving your work, in more ways than one

A post without sidebar and narrow width created using some basic elements including a quote, ordered list and a popup image. As a web designer you need to consider what people do with their hands and heads.
On the preservation front, in an editorial is provided with a spread of ways for safely storing your work. the primary of those is one with that you�re possible familiar: like several alternative services, associate editorial options an always-on autosave.

Preserving your work

As you�re employed, the app is consistently saving your work. you�ll check on the standing of the auto-save at the highest of the page report whether or not it�s busy saving or if it�s wedged.
>Who studied German literature, German literature is, who is studying medicine, is doctor who studies physics is physics, but who studied philosophy, this will by no philosopher.

But I would say that the study of philosophy according to specialization may be an ideal preparation for the Informationsachitekten. For philosophy teaches one to work on and to the order of the terms.
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Who studied German literature, German literature is, who is studying medicine, is doctor who studies physics is physics, but who studied philosophy, this will by no philosopher. But I would say that the study of philosophy according to specialization may be an ideal preparation for the Informationsachitekten. For philosophy teaches one to work on and to the order of the terms.

Recording and reflecting on the work in progress

Intuitiveness can be broken down into a sort of ladder, or a cake with three layers: legibility at the top, metaphor in the middle, and skills at the bottom. By way of example, the concept of scrolling (which we hardly give any thought to) relies on all of them:
  1. It has to be legible. Legibility is about having cues or signals that are unambiguous and recognizable.
  2. Metaphor is the framing concept. In the case of scrolling, either you think of a scroll (the papyrus kind!), where one end rolls up and the other end unrolls to reveal more text, or you think of a window in space that you pan around.
  3. Skills are the motor skills that you pick up. It�s the physical ability to click your mouse on up/down arrows, or to slide your finger across the scroll wheel.
For better or worse, we live in a world of media invention. Instead of reusing a stable of forms over and over, it�s not much harder for us to create new ones. Let�s buy this theme.

How the Invention of the Alphabet Usurped Female Power

A standard post created using some basic elements including a quote, ordered list and a popup image. As a web designer you need to consider what people do with their hands and heads.
Of all the sacred cows allowed to roam unimpeded in our culture, few are as revered as literacy. Its benefits have been so incontestable that in the five millennia since the advent of the written word numerous poets and writers have extolled its virtues.

Preserving your work

They coexist as two closely overlapping bell-shaped curves with no feature superior to its reciprocal.Who studied German literature, German literature is, who is studying medicine, is doctor who studies physics is physics, but who studied philosophy, this will by no philosopher.
But I would say that the study of philosophy according to specialization may be an ideal preparation for the Informationsachitekten. For philosophy teaches one to work on and to the order of the terms.
Every individual is generously endowed with all the features of both.
Leonard Shlain
Anthropological studies of non-literate agricultural societies show that, for the majority, relations between men and women have been more egalitarian than in more developed societies.

Recording and reflecting

Intuitiveness can be broken down into a sort of ladder, or a cake with three layers: legibility at the top, metaphor in the middle, and skills at the bottom. By way of example, the concept of scrolling (which we hardly give any thought to) relies on all of them:
  1. Brain dominance devices seem to be similar to the Web, because they seem to have a similar issue.
  2. The average word length shrinks. And that is very good.
  3. Talented artists are for watching and playing, the Internet is to communicate.
The very concept of �brain dominance� is presently under scrutiny, as many dyslexics are talented artists, architects, musicians, composers, dancers, and surgeons.

Happiness is only real when shared

Egraphy is the process of creating still or moving pictures by recording radiation on a sensitive medium like film or an electronic sensor. The products of photography are called negatives and photographs, the latter being developed from the negatives.
Artists are crafters of human thought and emotion. Think about that .. its massive. It is for us to inspire and motivate. To merely duplicate is to devastate. True innovation is born on the wings of reality, but will always fly one mile higher. Don�t ever think for a moment we are merely couriers of imitation to some sort of �reality�.

Give the idea a shower

The seed needs to be soaked in an inspiration shower (patent pending). I hunt the interwebs for cool UI patterns and archive them in a massive Photoshop file. For example, when working on YouTube TV I grabbed hundreds of examples of future UI from futurists like Jayse Hansen and Neil Huxley.
Tiny women carry amazingly large bags, twice their eighty-pound weight. Some of the women carry babies in slings around front. A good adult picker can harvest over two hundred pounds of cherries and earn $8 a day, more than twice the Guatemalan minimum daily wage.
Compel your audience. Capture the moment. Light with purpose. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what�s a talking picture worth?
While I�m not the best photographer you�ll bump into, my images are worth something. It�s hard to put a monetary value on some shots, but those photos sell, and those photos arouse emotions.
And beyond that, those are one-in-a-lifetime experiences that I documented through my photo trips. And beyond that, those are one-in-a-lifetime experiences that I documented through my photo trips.

Desiring God Project

A standard post created using some basic elements including a quote, ordered list and a popup image. As a web designer you need to consider what people do with their hands and heads.
On the preservation front, in an editorial is provided with a spread of ways for safely storing your work. the primary of those is one with that you�re possible familiar: like several alternative services, associate editorial options an always-on autosave.

What is creativity ?

From a scientific perspective, creativity is your ability to think of something original from connections made between pre-existing ideas in your brain. These connections are controlled by neurotransmitters like adenosine, which alerts your brain when you�re running out of energy and reacts.

Who studied German literature, German literature is, who is studying medicine, is doctor who studies physics is physics, but who studied philosophy, this will by no philosopher.
But I would say that the study of philosophy according to specialization may be an ideal preparation for the Informationsachitekten. For philosophy teaches one to work on and to the order of the terms.
Adenosine is kind of like your brain�s battery status monitor.
If you decide to drink coffee or beer while you�re working, stick to no more than 2 drinks per sitting and try not to do this more than once or twice per week to prevent dependency. Coffee and beer shouldn�t be thought of as magic bullets for creativity.

Be grateful

Intuitiveness can be broken down into a sort of ladder, or a cake with three layers: legibility at the top, metaphor in the middle, and skills at the bottom. By way of example, the concept of scrolling (which we hardly give any thought to) relies on all of them:
  1. It has to be legible. Legibility is about having cues or signals that are unambiguous and recognizable.
  2. Metaphor is the framing concept. In the case of scrolling, either you think of a scroll (the papyrus kind!), where one end rolls up and the other end unrolls to reveal more text, or you think of a window in space that you pan around.
  3. Skills are the motor skills that you pick up. It�s the physical ability to click your mouse on up/down arrows, or to slide your finger across the scroll wheel.
For better or worse, we live in a world of media invention. Instead of reusing a stable of forms over and over, it�s not much harder for us to create new ones. Let�s buy this theme.

Inographic elements

Egraphy is the process of creating still or moving pictures by recording radiation on a sensitive medium like film or an electronic sensor. The products of photography are called negatives and photographs, the latter being developed from the negatives.
Artists are crafters of human thought and emotion. Think about that .. its massive. It is for us to inspire and motivate. To merely duplicate is to devastate. True innovation is born on the wings of reality, but will always fly one mile higher. Don�t ever think for a moment we are merely couriers of imitation to some sort of �reality�.

Give the idea a shower

The seed needs to be soaked in an inspiration shower (patent pending). I hunt the interwebs for cool UI patterns and archive them in a massive Photoshop file. For example, when working on YouTube TV I grabbed hundreds of examples of future UI from futurists like Jayse Hansen and Neil Huxley.
Tiny women carry amazingly large bags, twice their eighty-pound weight. Some of the women carry babies in slings around front. A good adult picker can harvest over two hundred pounds of cherries and earn $8 a day, more than twice the Guatemalan minimum daily wage.
Compel your audience. Capture the moment. Light with purpose. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what�s a talking picture worth?
While I�m not the best photographer you�ll bump into, my images are worth something. It�s hard to put a monetary value on some shots, but those photos sell, and those photos arouse emotions.
And beyond that, those are one-in-a-lifetime experiences that I documented through my photo trips. And beyond that, those are one-in-a-lifetime experiences that I documented through my photo trips.

Minimalist Postcards Of Superheroes

Barcelona-based design studio Forma & Co has created a new set of colorful, minimalist postcards that feature well-known cultural icons like superheroes, Santa Clause and even Jesus Christ.
Illustrating each personality with simple lines, bold shades and signature emblems, the �Re-Vision� project is an �exercise in style and synthesis� according to its creators. See some of our favorite postcards from the series below and head over to the studio�s website for the entire collection.

Re-vision Postcards Club

These striking graphics have also been made into larger promotional posters. In some places, it is possible to send them for a lower fee than for a letter.
Stamp collectors distinguish between postcards (which require a stamp) and postal cards (which have the postage pre-printed on them). While a postcard is usually printed by a private company, individual or organization, a postal card is issued by the relevant postal authority.
The study and collecting of postcards is termed deltiology. Illustrating each personality with simple lines, bold shades and signature emblems, the �Re-Vision� project is an �exercise in style and synthesis� according to its creators. These striking graphics have also been made into larger promotional posters.
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry
See some of our favorite postcards from the series below and head over to the studio�s website for the entire collection. Our inventions make it possible to explore the secret shape of our subject material, to coax it into saying more.

Content precedes design

Intuitiveness can be broken down into a sort of ladder, or a cake with three layers: legibility at the top, metaphor in the middle, and skills at the bottom. By way of example, the concept of scrolling (which we hardly give any thought to) relies on all of them:
  1. It has to be legible. Legibility is about having cues or signals that are unambiguous and recognizable.
  2. Metaphor is the framing concept. In the case of scrolling, either you think of a scroll (the papyrus kind!), where one end rolls up and the other end unrolls to reveal more text, or you think of a window in space that you pan around.
  3. Skills are the motor skills that you pick up. It�s the physical ability to click your mouse on up/down arrows, or to slide your finger across the scroll wheel.
For better or worse, we live in a world of media invention. Instead of reusing a stable of forms over and over, it�s not much harder for us to create new ones. Let�s buy this theme.
Images from this post are under Copyright of Forma & Co